Nature Neuroscience in press

We are proud to have contributed as co-authors to the latest publication by the Bastos lab that is forthcoming in Nature Neuroscience.


New paper published

Blake Mitchell‘s latest paper on his discovery of a functional role of the enigmatic neuronal property of ” ocular dominance” just appeared online ahead of print at Current Biology.

Blake & Brock awarded NIH grant

The Vanderbilt Vision Research Center ( VVRC) awarded Brock Carlson a meritorious T32 training grant sponsored by the National Eye Institute ( NEI).

Blake Mitchell has first been awarded this grant two years ago, and he was bestowed a full extension until his expected graduation.

New paper in press

Jake Westerberg‘s latest paper on our neural data showing feedforward computation of attention is now in press at Nature Communications. A collaboration with the Schall and Woodman labs.

New paper in press

Brock Carlson‘s paper on the role of single neurons in primary visual cortex for the initiation of binocular rivalry flash suppression was accepted for publication at iScience.

Congratulations Dr. Jake!

New paper in press

Loïc Daumail‘s paper on LGN adaptation – a collaboration with Drs. Frank Tong and Paul Martin – was accepted for publication by the Journal of Neurophysiology.

New preprint

Summer School!

We will present our latest work at this year’s Special Advanced Course in Venice on Integrated Information Theory of Consciousness: From Explanations to Implications, organized by Christof Koch and Giulio Tononi.